This is my first run at this type of site. So I will be feeling my way through this process. I will try to make the site as user friendly as possible. At some point in the near future every family member will be able to add their own posts to this Blog-type website. My wife of 54 years is Peggy Powell Robles. She has been my partner and steady support in the process for years. She grew up a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Saints Church. The church has the most extensive genealogy library in the world. Peggy has been working for years on her own history as well as mine.

Esther Robles

Manuel Robles



My intent is to document in an organized way a family history going back in time as far as possible. I am Gilberto Alejandro Robles (Gil), the youngest son of Flavio Roman Robles and Gregoria Ceron Robles. We have been working to collect our story from all available sources including Flavio and Gregoria themselves. My current and past sources are my brothers, sisters, and uncles, aunts and cousins, along with many online family history sites.  The process is slowly gaining a foothold.

We will count on each family member to share their remembrances. We expect that we won’t all remember the same everts the same way. Between my brothers and sisters there have been frequent discussions and disagreements also. If you tell a story to us we will not edit it. It will post as we received it. Also, post your pictures. If you need technical help just email us the pictures and we can post for you.


Our hope is that over time we can have as complete of a family history as we can compile. We will try to build a family history/tree. This tree already has many branches. The world wide web gives all the possibility to create and maintain our own family tree.